
Glow: Generative Flow with Invertible 1×1 Convolutions

Some of the merits of flow-based generative models include:

Like previous work, we found that sampling from a reduced-temperature model often results in higher-quality samples. The samples above were obtained by scaling the standard deviation of the latents by a temperature of 0.7.


Our main contribution and also our departure from the earlier RealNVP work is the addition of a reversible 1x1 convolution, as well as removing other components, simplifying the architecture overall.

The RealNVP architecture consists of sequences of two types of layers: layers with checkboard masking, and layers with channel-wise masking. We remove the layers with checkerboard masking, simplifying the architecture. The layers with channel-wise masking perform the equivalent of a repetition of the following steps:

By chaining these layers, A updates B, then B updates A, then A updates B, etc. This bipartite flow of information is clearly quite rigid. We found that model performance improves by changing the reverse permutation of step (1) to a (fixed) shuffling permutation.

Taking this a step further, we can also learn the optimal permutation. Learning a permutation matrix is a discrete optimization that is not amendable to gradient ascent. But because the permutation operation is just a special case of a linear transformation with a square matrix, we can make this work with convolutional neural networks, as permuting the channels is equivalent to a 1x1 convolution operation with an equal number of input and output channels. So we replace the fixed permutation with learned 1x1 convolution operations. The weights of the 1x1 convolution are initialized as a random rotation matrix. As we show in the figure below, this operation leads to significant modeling improvements.

Flow-based generative models, first described in NICE (Dinh et al., 2014) and extended in RealNVP (Dinh et al., 2016).

Types of Layers used in Glow

The function NN() is a nonlinear mapping, such as a (shallow) convolutional neural network like in ResNets.

xa, xb = split(x)
(log s, t) = NN(xb)
s = exp(log s)
ya = s · xa + t
yb = xb
y = concat(ya, yb)

Each step of flow consists of actnorm followed by an invertible 1 × 1 convolution, followed by a coupling layer.

Actnorm: These parameters are initialized such that the post-actnorm activations per-channel have zero mean and unit variance given an initial minibatch of data. This is a form of data dependent initialization (Salimans and Kingma, 2016). After initialization, the scale and bias are treated as regular trainable parameters that are independent of the data.

Invertible 1 × 1 convolution: For every pixel, we multiply the c vector (which has all the channels) by a shared matrix W called a convolution. W is initialized as a rotation matrix (taking the Q from a QR decomposition).

# Shape
h,w,c = z.shape[1:]
# Sample a random orthogonal matrix to initialise weights
w_init = np.linalg.qr(np.random.randn(c,c))[0]
w = tf.get_variable("W", initializer=w_init)

Affine Coupling Layers: Described above. Initialized with the NN a convnet with 0 in the last convolution so starts as identity and moves forward from there. Notice ya = xa * s + t so if log(s) == 0 then s==1 and we also make t be 0.

Each step of flow above should be preceded by some kind of permutation of the variables that ensures that after sufficient steps of flow, each dimensions can affect every other dimension. The type of permutation specifically done in (Dinh et al., 2014, 2016) is equivalent to simply reversing the ordering of the channels (features) before performing an additive coupling layer. An alternative is to perform a (fixed) random permutation. Our invertible 1x1 convolution is a generalization of such permutations. It gets the best results in experiments.

In our experiments, we let each NN() have three convolutional layers, where the two hidden layers have ReLU activation functions and 512 channels. The first and last convolutions are 3 × 3, while the center convolution is 1 × 1, since both its input and output have a large number of channels, in contrast with the first and last convolution.

When training on CelebA (256x256), to improve visual quality at the cost of slight decrease in color fidelity, we train our models on 5-bit images.

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15 Oct 2021 - importance: 6