
Digital Garden

Below is every article in my Digital Garden, sorted by importance.
If you don't know what to search for, start here.

To learn how and why I maintain this project, see Reflections on Digital Gardening. If you think you would like to start your own, check How to Set Up a Personal Wiki.

I use the terms Digital Garden and Personal Wiki somewhat interchangeably, because I think they are functionally similar and the difference in nuance lies in what we use the tool for and how, rather than something intrinsic to it.

Notes hierarchy: 🌱 < 🌿 < 🌻.
🌱: Stub or unimportant, 🌿: curious, usually a single idea, 🌻: interesting, more fleshed out, usually finished.

    Popular tags: programming, paper, book, machine learning.

    All Notes

    Or see the Guide to see where to start.